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From our beginnings as the State Normal School in 1889 to our current status as doctoral 高水平的研究活动机构,在广泛的领域开展项目, the University of Northern Colorado has a long and rich tradition in the preparation of education professionals.

UNC’s 教育与行为科学学院 (EBS) is at the center of excellence 在专业准备、研究和全球教育领导方面. Demonstrating our commitment to the University's state-mandated mission to prepare education professionals, we offer high quality 本科和研究生课程 on our main Greeley campus, our Denver/Lowry campus, as well as various locations across the state and online. 例如,丹佛的城市教育中心 uses innovative strategies to prepare early childhood, elementary and special education 在城市教室工作的教师.

In addition to preparing personnel for Colorado's schools, EBS offers undergraduate programs in Psychology and American Sign Language and Interpreting, and graduate programs 咨询和研究方法.


Leader in Education

UNC has produced more than 50 percent of all educators in Colorado and 15 Colorado 年度最佳教师奖得主.

Closing the Gap

UNC recently received two separate grants to address the teacher shortage, totaling more than $245,000.

Award Winning

UNC received the Christa McAuliffe Award for Excellence in Teacher Education, given 由美国州立学院和大学委员会


...但不要只相信我们的话. 看看我们的学生都做了些什么 say!

"My journey into the field of Deaf Education began with the discovery of my first child's hearing loss. 从那时起,差不多18年前,现在有三个女儿两个 虽然他们都是聋人,但我经历了许多挑战和欢乐. 门出乎意料地打开了 places and at times it has taken great courage to walk through the entry way to greet the future that awaits. 在我开始博天堂官方的在线课程后不久,硕士课程 in Special Education: Deaf Education Specialist, a new door opened and I was offered my first teaching position at Washington School for the Deaf (our state’s residential school). 我的目标之一是帮助失聪和听障学生,但我 希望先完成我的课程. 它有时是具有挑战性的 to balance full time teaching, graduate work, and family but my professors at UNC 一直非常支持我,却又对我寄予厚望. In doing so, each class has nudged me out of my comfort zone and increased my quality of instruction within my own classroom. 课程作业是直接适用的,并已经改变了 这是我看待教学的视角. 博天堂官方为我的职业生涯打开了一扇门 absolutely love. 在这段旅程中,我知道自己已经装备齐全,这让我很兴奋 with the necessary tools and cutting edge research to make a difference for our future 一代又一代的人开始了他们自己的旅程."

Jennifer Nicole (Estes) Ellis


"Prior to starting the UNC Generalist Special Education Program, I was unsure of what my experience there would look like, how I would grow personally and professionally, 以及我是否做出了最好的选择.  现在,回头看,我的选择 追求这个项目是一件没有遗憾的事.  事实上,这是最重要的决定之一 I have made.  由于教授们提供的支持和挑战 this program, I am confident in my abilities to pursue a teaching position at any 年级水平和任何类型的特殊教育项目.  Thanks to the UNC Generalist Special Education Program I am most aware of best practice within the teaching profession.  I am not only excited but also prepared to begin to work in collaboration with others 以确保在我所追求的职位上实施最佳实践."

Mary Beth Waller


"My journey through the physical education program at UNC has not come easily, nor has it come naturally; but it has come with a lot of dedication, experience, and interaction 和同事和教授一起. 我充分利用了这些不可思议的资源 我通过我的导师,博天堂官方的教师,和当地的P.E. teachers with whom I have had the opportunity to work. 我发现,这是一次很好的学习经历 很多博天堂官方网站我个人、老师、同学和学生的事情. As a physical educator, my goal is to create a positive environment for all of my students and to give them the knowledge and resources to live active and healthy lifestyles. Through my involvement in the teaching program, I have obtained rich content and pedagogical knowledge I can apply in my own classes to create an environment which is conducive 对每个学生的学习风格. 这个项目提供了惊人的曝光机会 在课堂上从最开始,一直到学生的教学. These field-based experiences have allowed for incredible growth and for me to develop into a confident and prepared P.E. teacher. 我很幸运身边有这么多了不起的人 professors and faculty who have such a passion to educate individuals to become effective P.E. teachers. 我很自豪能成为体育教学计划的一部分 它已经并将继续对我的教学生涯产生影响."

Meagan Barnes


“博天堂官方的天才项目是一个有意义的方法. I am an international 我是一个对天赋非常感兴趣的人. I look forward 在这个领域积累知识. 大学的资优项目 of Northern Colorado was my selection because I was determined to be part of this school because of its reputation for success, and as an institution at which my culture and interests are considered. 当我参加这个项目时,我有一个机会 to learn from different sources, including well-known faculty, great data bases, observations, 以及当前资优学生项目的教学. 在节目中的每一天 means discovering myself, exploring new aspects of gifted education, building awareness, and creating a magnificent future, not only for me, but also for my country’s gifted education programs."

Mohammad Alhanaya


"My time at UNC was highlighted by being a part of one of the best Physical Education teacher programs in the nation, meeting wonderful people, learning from some of the best teachers in their area, learning to be the best teacher I possibly can, but the 让我印象最深刻的是人际关系. 我能够发展人际关系 with friends which have lasted to this day and develop relationships with the SES faculty to be able to continue to go to them for advice, support, feedback, and for 不管是工作还是生活.  我很幸运地经历了一次品质 由更优秀的人领导的项目."

Rolando Davila


"The University of Northern Colorado Teaching Program has done far more than teach me the ABCs of teaching- it has given me all the tools and support I could ever need 成为一名成功的教师,并在现实的教育世界中崭露头角. This program has helped me in realizing my passion for teaching children and supporting my students 每个人都有自己独特的需求. 我所有的教授都很棒 千方百计地帮助我取得成功. They became friends. My advisor, Dr. 苏珊·汤普森一直陪伴着我,总是愿意回答我的问题 问题,并成为一个很好的支持来源. 我刚刚完成了一项非常成功的工作 semester of student teaching where I was able to walk away with confidence in my teaching skills, new friends, numerous networks created, and a road of success ahead of me, 感谢UNC和所有这些年支持我的人. When anyone 当被问及我在博天堂官方的经历时,我的回答总是‘难以置信’. I could not have 在其他地方接受了更好的教育.'”

Tia Wieland

Early Childhood Education

"While sitting in the center of Nottingham Field in the spring of 2010, that was the 人群中一致的感觉.  作为三个孩子的单身母亲,我 感到一种难以置信的成就感和自豪感.  The University of Northern Colorado had assisted me in making my dream of earning a teaching degree possible.  In the four semesters registered in the Student Teacher Education Program, I had received, not only the education needed, but also the inspiration needed to become a great teacher. The professors in the STEP program at UNC are dedicated to creating well prepared 我们未来国家和世界的教育家. 当我走向领奖台接受我的 当我拿到毕业证书时,我知道我已经够到了星星,实现了我的梦想."

Venessa Austin

Secondary Education: History

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